
A screenshot of IntegrationOS' new developer documentation

Support for PHP now in beta

We've officially released a new package allowing customers using PHP to install AuthKit securely in their applications. This means that IntegrationOS is now fully compatible with both JavaScript and PHP based applications.

To install the new package, visit our AuthKit Installation Guide.

A screenshot of IntegrationOS' new developer documentation

IntegrationOS is now available in the Postman API marketplace

The team at Postman has provided official approval for IntegrationOS to be included and discoverable within the Postman API Public Marketplace.

The IntegrationOS Unified API collection is now available and can be forked within your Postman workspace. A seemingly small release is a major step function for product teams as it makes it even easier for developers to operationalize and deploy the endpoints they need for pressing integrations.

For more information, please visit the new IntegrationOS Postman organization and Unified API Collection.

A screenshot of IntegrationOS' new developer documentation

Introducing Pricing v2

We've restructured our pricing plans to better accommodate use cases at scale for our customers.

Today, we're announcing three new plans: Free forever, Ridiculously cheap (inspired by the incredible team at PostHog) and Growth. Our new plans are primarily usage-based with a low monthly subscription, depending on the features you're looking to unlock. The vast majority of features are available on all plans. We tried to paywall as little features as possible to create a consistent experience, regardless of the selected plan and budget.

The major difference between Free forever and Ridiculously cheap is the connected account limit. On free, you're limited to a generous 10 connected accounts. When you're ready to deploy to production and scale, you can upgrade to Ridiculously cheap to unlock unlimited connected accounts. You're also able to access premium integrations within this plan. You can view all integration types in our catalog.

The major difference between Ridiculously cheap and Growth is the API call limit. With Growth, you're likely to be scaling your integration call volume and therefore need unlimited calls, which is exactly what you get. With this plan, you can also fully white label the IntegrationOS experience within your application and set up monthly spend limits to control costs as you scale.

As always, we're consistently looking for feedback on pricing changes. Feel free to reach out to your Account Manager or reach out to us in the Slack community!

A screenshot of IntegrationOS' new developer documentation

New website and brand assets are live

We've deployed new UI and brand assets across our core website pages. This includes our main landing, pricing, integration catalog and careers pages.

A few other quality of live improvements: 

▪️ new copy and graphics
▪️ migrated to Geist font (created by Vercel)
▪️ Live GitHub star count
▪️ Preview to our pre-built templates (coming soon)

A screenshot of IntegrationOS' new developer documentation

API performance upgrades are now live

We've optimized our throughput and routing engine to reduce average latency on the Unified API by 15% on average for all customers.

For customers moving data bi-directionally across any integration, the average latency is now 340ms.

Learn more about Unified API in our API Reference.

A screenshot of IntegrationOS' new developer documentation

Branding is now more subtle in AuthKit

An aesthetic improvement has been pushed for AuthKit users that are not white labeling the component.

With the update, the IntegrationOS branding at the bottom of the drop-in component has been polished. The change is a small, but impactful one. AuthKit now leans on a lighter grey background bottom tile.

A screenshot of IntegrationOS' new developer documentation

selectedConnection lets you bypass directory panel

We've made a quality of life improvement to AuthKit that allows developers to configure which panel AuthKit opens when prompted by your user.

With selectedConnection, developers now have the ability to bypass the directory panel for users and immediately enter into the credential request panel for a specified integration. This works great for customers that have (or are building) their own integration directory UI natively within their applications and don't want to prompt users twice to select a platform when using AuthKit.

For more information on UI/UX best practice when using AuthKit, reach out to your dedicated Account Manager or ask the IntegrationOS community in Slack.

A screenshot of IntegrationOS' new developer documentation

AuthKit now works with Vue and Svelte

The AuthKit frontend component has historically only been compatible with React and Next.js.

Today, we've pushed upgrades that allows AuthKit to work out-of-the-box with almost all frontend frameworks, including React, Next.js, Vue, Svelte and more. The upgrades have been implemented while maintaining the inner workings of the component, so no changes are made from an implementation perspective (outside of a name change).

AuthKit is now housed under a new package name. To install the newly upgraded package, use AuthKit. The new command is now npm i @integrationos/authkit

Over the next few months, we will be deprecating the previous package. This package was originally housed under AuthKit-React and the original command npm i @integrationos/authkit-react

A screenshot of IntegrationOS' new developer documentation

Growth plan customers can now fully white label AuthKit

Starting today, a new white label feature is available to all Growth plan customers.

When enabled, the IntegrationOS branding at the bottom of AuthKit will not be displayed to your users. This feature allows product teams and developers to fully blend the IntegrationOS middleware within existing native UI.

To give it a try, go to the Configuration section of the Admin Dashboard.