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February 18, 2024

How to widen your market and grow ARR with AuthKit

A deep dive on how to use AuthKit to quickly ship new integrations, expand your TAM and ultimately grow revenue.

Building a product and selling it to customers is often a Catch-22 situation.

You don't want to invest expensive engineering resources into building new integrations without customers first agreeing to pay for the integration. At the same time, many potential customers won't use your software unless it integrates seamlessly into their 3rd-party tools.

When building integrations manually, the gap between a positive customer signal and the time an integration is built, tested and deployed is often months apart, which means it's almost impossible to get right.

What often happens is integrations go unbuilt, sales stall or both.

With AuthKit powered by IntegrationOS, product and engineering leaders don't have to choose. They can install AuthKit once, then any new integration overnight with the flick of a switch in the IntegrationOS Admin Dashboard.

Installing AuthKit

Adding AuthKit to your web application is a one-and-done process that takes, on average, about 10 to 20 minutes. Once you're finished, you'll have the ability to instantly launch over 50+ native integrations to your users.

Step 1: Create an endpoint in your backend

AuthKit uses IntegrationOS' Tokens SDK to securely generate tokens from your server - and your server alone.


Start by installing the Tokens page:


Then, create the endpoint using your IntegrationOS API Key.

The embedToken method generates a one-time use token that encapsulates useful information about the user. Its options allow you to configure the group - a meaningful identifier, like an Organization ID - and the label - a human readable label, like an Organization Name.

Step 2: Add AuthKit to your frontend

Now lets add the drop-in component to your frontend to enable your users to easily authenticate their integration accounts directly in your app.

In your frontend, install the AuthKit package:

Then, import the useEmbed hook and call it to initialize the Embed modal.

It returns an object with the open function. Calling the open function will launch the Embed modal, display the Consent Pane view and start the authentication flow for the user. Calling the close function will close the Embed modal.

Step 3: You're done

You can now start connecting test accounts and interfacing with data using the Unified aPI.

For a full walkthrough, visit our AuthKit Overview Guide.

Converting more users to action

AuthKit officially supports OAuth 2.

OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables applications — like yours — to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts a user account and authorizing third-party applications to access that user account. OAuth 2 provides authorization flows for web and desktop applications, as well as mobile devices.

OAuth-enabled integrations have a number of advantages.

  1. Easy for users - the experience to authorize your app takes on average 11.5 seconds
  2. Converts better - the simpler flow means more users connect more accounts
  3. Secure - authorization is properly permissioned and scoped to the use case
  4. Revokable - the user always has control to remove access if they choose

Traditionally, manually supporting OAuth 2 for each integration is a multiple sprint project that takes top engineers months to build, test and deploy.

With AuthKit, you can release an OAuth 2 enabled integration in 15 minutes.

For more information, visit our OAuth Guide.

Closing more deals with configurable integrations

Once AuthKit is added to your application, launching new integrations is easy.

Let's walk through a hypothetical. Let's say you originally decided to use IntegrationOS and implement AuthKit to launch three new native integrations for existing customers: Salesforce, HubSpot and ActiveCampaign.

You follow the IntegrationOS QuickStart Guide and within a day or two, you have these three integrations deployed to production.

A week passes and a new 6-figure opportunity enters your sales pipeline. This potential new customer needs an integration with Pipedrive or else they won't move forward.

Without IntegrationOS, you'd have to go back to your engineering team, scope out how many sprints it'll take to build the integration and decide whether the opportunity is worth adjusting roadmap. It's stressful, risky and almost always a bad place to be.

With IntegrationOS, you simply head to your Admin Dashboard, open the Configuration tab and enable Pipedrive. Instantly, Pipedrive is made available within your AuthKit UI. It doesn't require code, deployments or an adjustment in roadmap.

Wrapping up

The byproduct of using AuthKit is a wider range and a large TAM. Unlocking enterprise-ready integrations let's you sell into more deals and close more revenue. All without depleting mission-critical engineering resources that can now be fully devoted towards building value-generating core IP.

We at IntegrationOS are committed to continue making AuthKit the world's best native integration experience - for both developers and their customers. This is why we sweat the details and strive to make it as usable as it is feature rich.

Have questions about this post or want to know more about AuthKit? Reach out to us on X or schedule some time with our solutions engineering team.